Author: Lasitzki Johannes, 1534 - 1599
Title: I. De Russorum Moscovitarum et Tartarorum religione, sacrificiis, nuptiarum, funerum, ritu. E diversis scriptoribus, quorum nomina versa pagina indicat. His in fine quaedam sunt adiecta, de Liuonia pacifque conditionibus, & pace confecta hoc anno, inter serenissimum regem Poloniae & magnum ducem Moscouiae. Nunc primum in lucem edita, cum indice copiosissimo.
Bound with: II. Convessio ecclesiarum Saxonicarum in Transylvania, de coenadomini: anno 1561, missa allata, et exhibita academiis, Lipsensi, Witenbergensi, et Rostochianae, et harum de illa confesssione censura ... Cum brevi praefatione Nicolai Selnecceri.
Bound with: III. Schesaeus, Christian. Imago boni pastoris, ad christum mundisalvatorem accommodata: Iohan 10. Carmine descripta.
Title in English: On the Faith, Sacrifice, Marriage, Funerals, and Customs of the Russians, Muscovites, and Tartars. From Different Authors Whose Names Are Given on the Next Page. With an Addition in the End on Livonia and the Conditions of Peace, and the Truce Forged That Year Between His Highness the King of Poland and the Grand Duke of Muscovy. Published Now for the First Time with an Extensive Index.
Bound with: The Profession by the Churches of Saxony in Transylvania, on the Last Supper: 1561, Mass Given and Presented in the Universities of Leipzig, Wittenberg, and Rostock, and Criticized by Them for this Profession. With a Brief Introduction by Nikolaus Selnecker.
Bound with: Schesaeus, Christian. Image of the Good Shepherd, Applied to Saviour Jesus Christ: John 10. Described in Song.
Published: I. Speyer, Bernhard Albin 1582; II. Leipzig, Georg Deiner 1584; III. Leipzig, 1584.
Format: I. Mit 3 Holzschn.-Druckermarken. 4 nn. Bll., 295 S., 14 nn. Bll; II. 4 nn. Bll., 57; III. 6nn. Bll., blindgepr. Schweinslederband der Zeit (dat.: 1584) über Holzdeckeln u. 1 (v.2) Schließen.
Binding: Contemporary Title: I. De Russorum Moscovitarum et Tartarorum religione, sacrificiis, nuptiarum, funerum, ritu. E diversis scriptoribus, quorum nomina versa pagina indicat. His in fine quaedam sunt adiecta, de Liuonia pacifque conditionibus, & pace confecta hoc anno, inter serenissimum regem Poloniae & magnum ducem Moscouiae. Nunc primum in lucem edita, cum indice copiosissimo.
Binding: contemporary Leipzig cover.
Reference: Jonas Lasickis. Apie žemaičių, kitų sarmatų bei netikrų krikščionių dievus. – Vilnius: Vaga, 1969; VD 16, L 553 – Adams L 243 – Graesse IV, 114 – Rosenthal, Bibl. Slavica 1996: „Ouvrage excessivement rare et important“.
The work On the Faith, Sacrifice, Wedding and Funeral Customs of the Russians, Muscovites, and Tartars is a collection of texts by various authors compiled by Jan Lasicki (1534–1602), Polish reformat and author of various polemical and historiographical works. Among other things, the book includes the text of the peace treaty signed by Stephen Báthory and Russian Tsar Ivan IV the Terrible in Yam-Zapolsky, Poland, in 1582. Lasicki dedicated the collection to the Castellan of Minsk and Grand Treasurer of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania Jan Hlebowicz (1544–1590). The book is bound with two other works published in Leipzig in 1584: The Profession of Faith by the Saxonian Churches in Transylvania (Confessio ecclesiarum Saxonicarum in Transylvania) by German Lutheran theologian Nikolaus Selnecker (1530–1592) and Image of the Good Shepherd (Imago boni pastoris) by Transylvanian Lutheran theologian Christian Schesaeus (1536–1585).
Reference: "The Collection of Lawyer Jaunius Gumbis: the Past Preserved in Books". Museum and Collector - 7. Vilnius: National Museum of Lithuania, 2018, p. 237.
Published: "The Collection of Lawyer Jaunius Gumbis: the Past Preserved in Books". Museum and Collector - 7. Vilnius: National Museum of Lithuania, 2018, p. 236-237.