Magnae molis magna ruina [...] LM-56
Magnae molis magna ruina [...] LM-56
Magnae molis magna ruina [...] LM-56
Magnae molis magna ruina [...] LM-56
Magnae molis magna ruina [...] LM-56
Magnae molis magna ruina [...] LM-56
Magnae molis magna ruina [...] LM-56
Magnae molis magna ruina [...] LM-56

Magnae molis magna ruina [...] LM-56

Author: Stubski Jakob Ian

Title: I. Magnae molis magna ruina, quam, perillustris ac magnifici domini, d. Georgii Bilewicz succamerarii Ducatus Samogitiae et lectissimae coniugis Catharinae Alexandrae Krzczonowiczowa lugubris occasus proposuit: praesentata, maesto ex obitu sororis Magnifico Domino, d. Ioanni Georgio Krzczonowicz Perillustris ac Magnifici Domini vexilliferi Vilnensis Filio et Magnificis Dominis D. D. Iaroslao, & Ioanni Billewiciis, Perillustris Samogitiae succamerarii filiis per Iacobum Ioannem Stubski Philosophiae in Almâ Academiâ Vilnensi Societatis Iesu auditorem.

Bound with Iana Alexandra Ostaszewski: II. Na szczesliwe Gody Zacnch obluwiencow jego mosci Páná Eaphala Zygmunta Storuksiego / Podczaszego Kowienskiego Y jeymosci Pánny Marianny  Eymin skiey Staroscianti Kiernowskiey. Apprekácia Iana A. Ostaszewskiego.

Title in English: The Great Fall of a Great Stone That Was Caused by the Sad Death of the Honourable and Noble Man Jurgis Bilevičius, Chamberlain of Samogitia, and His Good Wife Katerina Aleksandra Krzczonowicz; Presented to the Noble Jonas Jurgis Krzczonowicz, Mourning His Sister’s Death, to the Son of the Great and Honourable Standard Bearer, and Great Men Jaroslavas and Jonas Bilevičius, the Sons of the Honourable Chamberlain of Samogitia, by Jokūbas Jonas Snubskis, Student of Philosophy in Vilnius University of the Society of Jesus. 

Bound with  Happy Years to the Honourable Newlyweds His Grace Efalas Žygimantas Storuksis / Cup Bearer of Kaunas and Her Grace Mariana Eiminska, Elderess of Kernavė. Prepared by Iana A. Ostaszewski. 

Published: I. Vilnae, Vilnae Typis Academicis Societatis Iesu, 1644; II. Wilna, Akademiey Soc Jesu Anno Dni, 1645.

Format: I. Oktav. 5 Blatt / leaves; II. 7 leaves.

Binding: contemporary binding.

Verso the title a heraldic emblem of a noble family. In a grey broschure. Several notations in ink and pencil on the title page. Waterstained.

Reference: Jolita Liškevičienė. Konradas Giotkė – XVII amžiaus pirmosios pusės Vilniaus graveris // Knygotyra. – Vilnius: Vilniaus dailės akademijos Dailėtyros institutas, 2010, Nr. 55, p. 72.

The eulogy The Great Fall of a Great Stone was written by the Vilnius University philology student Jokūbas Jonas Stubskis after the death of the Chamberlain of Samogitia Jerzy Billewicz (†1644) and his wife Katerina Aleksandra Krzczonowicz (†1644). The work is decorated with a copper engraving by Vilnius graver Konradas Giotkė (who worked in 1636–1653), which depicts the united coat of arms of both spouses. The book is bound with the wedding panegyric by Vilnius University philosophy student Iana Alexandra Ostaszewski Na szczęśliwe gody zacnych oblubiencow: jego mośći páná Raphała Zygmunta Skorulskiego podczaszego Kowienskiego y jeymośći pánny Marianny Ryminskiey starośćianki Kiernowskiey (Happy Years to the Honourable Newlyweds His Grace Rapolas Zigmantas Skorulskis, Cup Bearer of Kaunas and Her Grace Mariana Ryminska, Daugther of the Elder of Kernavė, Vilnius, 1645). Both works were printed in the Vilnius Academy Printing House. 

Reference: "The Collection of Lawyer Jaunius Gumbis: the Past Preserved in Books". Museum and Collector - 7. Vilnius: National Museum of Lithuania, 2018, p. 114.

Published: "The Collection of Lawyer Jaunius Gumbis: the Past Preserved in Books". Museum and Collector - 7. Vilnius: National Museum of Lithuania, 2018, p. 114-115.