Author: Kurfürst Johann Sigismund, 1572 - 1619
Title: I. Jus Provinciale Ducatus Prussiae. Publicatum Anno M. DC. XX.
Bound with Andreas Crebs: II. Index Juris Provincialis Prutenici, In quo non solum Titulorum, Articulorum, sed & Paragraphorum summae continentur, Ut Compendium Ejusdem omnibus in foro utiliter ...
Bound with: III. Privilegia der stände deß Hertzogthumbs Preussen / darauff das Landt fundiert und biß itzo beruhen. Auff Verordnung der Herren Königlichen Commissarien nach innhalt deß Anno 1612 Recesses den Ständen in den Druck gefertiget.
Title in English: Provincial Law of the Kingdom of Prussia. Published in 1620.
Bound with Index to the Provincial Law of the Kingdom of Prussia, Which Encompasses not only the Whole of Titles and Parts, but of Paragraphs as well, its Summary Useful to All…
Bound with: III. Privileges of the Social Groups of the Duchy of Prussia Which Are the Basis of Life for the Country. On the Order of the Royal Commissars the Content of the Recesses Was Published in 1612 aor All Groups af the Public.
I. Rostock, August Ferber, 1620 und 1623; II. Königsberg, 1620; III. Braunsberg, Georg Schonfels, 1616.
Format: I. Teil 1 : Gestochenes Titelblatt, (1) weißes Bl., (6) Bl., 242 S., (4) Bl., (1) weißes Bl. Teil 2 und 3 : (5), 138, (7) S., (1) weißes Bl. Teil 4 : (2) Bl., 168 S., (4) Bl. Teil 5 : (1) BL, 73 S. Teil 6 : Titelblatt, Seite 74 bis 182. Teil 7 : Titelblatt, (2) S., Seite 183 bis 194 (richtig 193), (7) S; II. (53) Bl. (Katalog ,AU. Landrechf, Nr. la); III. (2) BL, 150 (richtig 162), (10) BL; mit drei Textholzschnitten. The text of the “Privilegia” with numerous small, careful corrections, additions and deletions partly, by an old hand. With marginal defects, sometimes slightly browned.
Binding: contemporary binding.
References: I. Gehrke, Handbook of sources and literature II.2, 1976, p 337 mentions the two also printed in 1620 in Rostock and Konigsberg German editions; the catalog “AUg. Landrecht” mentions only an in Königsberg printed Latin edition.; II. (53) Bl. (Katalog ,AU. Landrechf, Nr. la); III. Braunsberg, Georg Schonfels, 1616 (2) BL, 150 (richtig 162), (10) BL; mit drei Textholzschnitten.
Provincial Law of the Kingdom of Prussia is a 7 volume legal code, a collection of the laws of the Duchy of Prussia. In 1525–1657, the Duchy of Prussia was a subordinate fief to the King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania. Preparation of the code was overseen by the Kurfürst of Brandenburg and Duke of Prussia Johan Sigismund (1572–1619), whose portrait is on the title page. The book is bound with the Legal Code of the Province of Prussia (Index juris provincialis Prutenici) by professor of the University of Königsberg and jurist Andreas Crebs (1591–1623), published in Königsberg in 1624, and the Privileges in the Duchy of Prussia (Privilegia der Stände deß Hertzogthumbs Preussen), which was published in 1616 in Braunsberg (modern Braniewo).
Reference: "The Collection of Lawyer Jaunius Gumbis: the Past Preserved in Books". Museum and Collector - 7. Vilnius: National Museum of Lithuania, 2018, p. 460.
Published: "The Collection of Lawyer Jaunius Gumbis: the Past Preserved in Books". Museum and Collector - 7. Vilnius: National Museum of Lithuania, 2018, p. 460-461.