Author: N / A
Title: Naujas Testamentas Wieszpaties musu Jezaus Kristaus, Pirmą kartą Swieto Lietuwiszkoj kałboj, Ant Isákimo Maloningiauso Karalaus Prussu &c. &c. &c. Su didźiu dabojimu pérguldÿtas, o Ant Garbes Diewui Taicej’ Szwentoj’ wienatijam, Lietuwos źmonėms ant isgagnitingos naudos Iszspáustas.
Title in English: The New Testament of Our Lord Jesus Christ, for the First Time in the Lithuanian Tongue, on the Order of the Most Gracious King of Prussia etc. Composed with Great Care for the Glory of the Only God, Published for the Merciful Benefit of the People of Lithuania.
Published: Drukawójo arba iszspáude Spáustuwoj Reusnėro Karalaućiuj‘, Métu M DCCI. (1701).
Binding: contemporary binding.
Format: [12], 445, [3] p. : vinj.; 4° (21 cm).
The book was published with the effort of both Prussian and Lithuanian Evangelical Reformats. The New Testament was first translated into Lithuanian in full by pastors of the Evangelical Reformed Church Samuelis Bitneris (1632–1710) and Jonas Božimovskis junior (~1645–1687). The book was adapted for Lithuania Minor by the compiler of religious works Friedrich Zigmat Schuster (1671–1750), who also wrote the preface. The book was published in 1701 in the Risner printing house in Königsberg. The work is marked with the seal of the Library of the Vilnius Evangelical Reformed Church Synod. The library, which is the oldest in Lithuania, was founded by Duke Mikołaj Radziwiłł the Black and built next to the Vilnius Evangelical Reformed Church in 1557.
Reference: "The Collection of Lawyer Jaunius Gumbis: the Past Preserved in Books". Museum and Collector - 7. Vilnius: National Museum of Lithuania, 2018, p. 70.
Published: "The Collection of Lawyer Jaunius Gumbis: the Past Preserved in Books". Museum and Collector - 7. Vilnius: National Museum of Lithuania, 2018, p.70-71.
Exhibitions: "The Collection of Lawyer
Jaunius Gumbis: the Past Preserved in Books", September 3, 2018 – October
21, 2018.