Author: N / A
Title: Statut Wielkiego Księstwa Litewskiego, Naprzod Za Nayjasnieyszego Hospodara Zygmunta III, w Krakowie w roku 1588, Drugi raz w Wilnie, w Roku 1619 z pokazaniem zgody y różnice Statutow Koronnych i W. X. L., Trzeci Raz Za [...] Władysława IV [...] w Warszawie, w Roku 1648 z przydániem Kostytucyi [!] od Roku 1550 do 1647, Czwarty Raz, Za [...] Jana Trzeciego w Wilnie w roku 1698 Z przyłożeniem pod Artykuły Konstytucyi Seymowych od Seymu Roku 1550, aż do Seymu Roku 1690 Oboygu Narodom służących [...], Piąty Raz Za [...] Augusta Trzeciego, Teraz Zas Za [...] Stanisława Augusta Szczęsliwie Nam Panuiącego, Powtórnie z przydatkiem Summaryuszow, Praw i Konstytucyi od roku 1764 do roku 1786 Przedrukowany.
Title in English: The Statute of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, Printed for the First Time During the Reign of His Royal Highness Sigismund III in 1588 in Krakow, for the Second Time in Vilnius in 1619 Demonstrating Agreement and the Differences of the Statutes of the Crown and of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, for the Third Time […] During the Reign of Wladyslaw IV […] in Warsaw, in 1648 with an Addition to the Constitution [!] from 1550 to 1647, for the Fourth Time […]During the Reign of John III in Vilnius in 1698 with the Articles of the Constitution of the Sejm from the Sejm of 1550 to the Sejm of 1690, Serving to the Commonwealth […] for the Fifth Time […]During the Reign of Agustus III, Now […] Under the Happy Rule of Stanisław August, Reprinted with Added Conclusions, Rights and Constitutions from the Year 1764 to 1789.
Published: Wilno, 1786.
The Statutes of Lithuania are the legislation that formed the basis of the legal system in the historical state of Lithuania. The Third Statute of Lithuania (announced in 1588), which was drafted under the supervision of Vice Chancellor of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania Leonas Sapiega, was the best and most extensive. It demonstrated that the Grand Duchy had reached a level similar to that of other Central European countries: the sophisticated legislative system influenced the development of legal systems in neighbouring countries. The Third Statute was in force for 250 years (up to 1840) and was published in many editions.
This is one of the many Polish editions of the Third Statute of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, published in 1786 in the Vilnius Academy Printing House.
References: Senosios Lietuvos istorija, 1009-1795 / Alfredas Bumblauskas. [Vilnius]: R. Paknio leidykla, 2005, p. 254.
The sixth edition of the Third Statute of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania is composed of articles and documents concerning the activities of the Seimas from 1550 to 1786. It also includes the legal and constitutional changes made during the rule of the King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania Stanisław August Poniatowski (from 1764 to 1786).
Reference: "The Collection of Lawyer Jaunius Gumbis: the Past Preserved in Books". Museum and Collector - 7. Vilnius: National Museum of Lithuania, 2018, p. 134.
Published: "The Collection of Lawyer Jaunius Gumbis: the Past Preserved in Books". Museum and Collector - 7. Vilnius: National Museum of Lithuania, 2018, p. 134-135.
Exhibitions: "The Collection of Lawyer
Jaunius Gumbis: the Past Preserved in Books", September 3, 2018 – October
21, 2018.