Author: Wielogłowski Walery , 1805 - 1865
Title: Šventas Izidorius artojas.
Title in English: Saint Isidore the Farmer.
Published: Vilnius, 1854.
The hagiographic work Święty Izydor oracz (Saint Isidore the Farmer) by Polish publicist and author of religious works Walery Wielogłowski (1805–1865) was translated into Samogitian by writer and priest Vincentas Juzumas (1819–1901), who also wrote the preface. The book is bound with Katekizu kataliku...(Catholic Catechism..,) (1854) by the priest Juozapas Želvavičius (1822–1866), which was translated from Polish into Lithuanian by priest Juozapas Ženevičius (1797–1858); Wadowas i dangu ir meditacijes dieł penkiu dienu rekolekciju (Guide to Heaven and Meditations for Five Days of Recollections) (1857) by the Rector of the Kaunas Priest Seminary Kiprijonas Jeronimas Račkauskis (1825–1889); Juzumas’ Paskutini wałąnda giwenima żmogaus ant szio swieta (Man’s Last Hour in This World) (1856); and Istorije szwęnta Senoje Įstatima (The Holy Story of the Old Testament) (1852) by the Bishop of Samogitia Motiejus Valančius (1801–1875). The five religious books were published by Józef Zawadzki’s printing house.
Reference: "The Collection of Lawyer Jaunius Gumbis: the Past Preserved in Books". Museum and Collector - 7. Vilnius: National Museum of Lithuania, 2018, p. 192.
Published: "The Collection of Lawyer Jaunius Gumbis: the Past Preserved in Books". Museum and Collector - 7. Vilnius: National Museum of Lithuania, 2018, p. 192-193.