Author: Балтрамайтис Сильвестрас Иосифович, 1841 - 1918
Title: Сборник библиографических материалов для географии, истории, истории права, статистики и этнографии Литвы.
Title in English: Collection of Bibliographical Materials for Geography, History, History of Law, Statistics, and Ethnography of Lithuania.
С.-Петербургъ: типографiя В. Безобразовa и комп., 1891.
Binding: contemporary binding.
Marginalia: Dedikacija autoriaus Silvestro Baltramaičio knygnešiui Petrui Kriaučiūnui (?): Jo garbei ponui Sudžej Petrui Kriaučunui / nuo sutaisytojo / 1892 III / 8.
Bibliographer and ethnographer Silvestras Baltramaitis (1841–1918) worked in the Public Library of Saint Petersburg from 1869, where he managed Lithuanian and Latvian press and composed Lithuanian bibliographical works. In 1891, he published the Collection of Bibliographical Materials for Lithuanian Geography, Ethnography, and Statistics along with A List of Lithuanian and Old Prussian Books Published in 1533–1891 (Списокъ литовскихъ и древне-прускихъ книгъ, изданныхъ съ 1553 [!1533] по 1891 годъ, 1892). The book provides a systematic register of works and articles published in periodicals about Lithuania in Lithuanian, Russian, Latvian, Latin, French, German, and other languages. The book includes Baltramaitis’ autograph for “Sūdžė” (Petras Kriaučiūnas (1850–1916)), signed in 1892. In 1881–1887, while working in the gymnasium of Marijampolė, Kriaučiūnas promoted the idea of Lithuanian National Revival, and was fired from his position for supporting and distributing the newspaper Aušra. Encouraged by him, tens of students of Marijampolė gymnasium became contributors to the papers Aušra and Varpas. In 1889–1899, Kriaučiūnas worked as a judge in Plokščiai (now the district of Šakiai).
Reference: "The Collection of Lawyer Jaunius Gumbis: the Past Preserved in Books". Museum and Collector - 7. Vilnius: National Museum of Lithuania, 2018, p. 369.
Published: "The Collection of Lawyer Jaunius Gumbis: the Past Preserved in Books". Museum and Collector - 7. Vilnius: National Museum of Lithuania, 2018, p. 368-369.