Gorecki Tadeusz, Humility (Portrait of Maria Elena Julia Mickiewicz)
Illakowicz Napoleon, Portrait of a youth
N / A, Our Lady of Częstochowa
N / A, The Holy Family
N / A, St Barbara and St Ann with the Virgin Mary
N / A, Eleventh Station. Crucifixion of Jesus
Żamett Albert, Italian landscape
Moraczyński Jan, Seamstress (a Jewish woman threading a needle)
Moraczyński Jan, Still life (Vanitas)
Illakowicz Napoleon, Portrait of a Woman
Illakowicz Napoleon, Mountain scenery
Pawłowicz Edward Bonifacy, Portrait of a Sitting Man with a Cane
Rypiński Karol, Portrait of Mme. Leńska
Rusiecki Kanuty, (Atr.), Rest on the way to Egypt
N / A, St Casimir
Rafałowicz Karol, Storm in the Black Sea
N / A, The Holy Family
N / A, The Holy Spirit
N / A, Pietà
N / A, The Holy Trinity
Smokowski Wincenty, Album of 22 drawings
Żamett Albert, View of Rome from the Arco Oscuro street
Sleńdziński Wincenty Leopold, Portrait of a Girl
Marszewski Jozef, Rural landscape
Kulesza Michał, Trakai Castle
N / A, Betrothal of the Blessed Virgin Mary
N / A, Jesus’ Prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane
Daunoras Stanislovas, St Peter Weeping
N / A, A two-sided picture the Crucifixion and St Barbara
N / A, A two-sided picture St Barbara and the Crucifixion
N / A, Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary
N / A, St Catherine
Žilevičius Jurgis, Ninth Station. Jesus Falls the Third Time
Žilevičius Jurgis, Sixth Station. Veronica Wipes the Face of Jesus
Marszewski Jozef, Fishermen’s Boats in France
Przepiorski Lucien, Girl with a Plate
Rybakov Ivan, Old Woman with a Child on Her Lap
N / A, Transfiguration
N / A, The Holy Trinity
Smokowski Wincenty, Portrait of an Old Jew
Marszewski Jozef, Mediterranean region
Andriolli Michał Elwiro, A Girl
N / A, Patrons of the Family
N / A, Scourging of Jesus
N / A, St Agnes
Andriolli Michał Elwiro, Solitaire
Alchimowicz Kazimierz, Zingara
Rusiecki Boleslaw, Portrait of a Young Aristocrat
N / A, Gracious Virgin Mary
N / A, Gracious Virgin Mary
Silvanowicz Nikodem, Portrait of Stefan Sylvanovich, son of the artist
Fleury Stanisław Filibert, Drawing of a plaster Corinthian capital
N / A, St. Anastasia
Leszczynski Wladyslaw, Dionysus and Ariadne
Chrucki Jan, Still-life
Römer Alfred Izydor, Portrait of Edward Mateusz Romer
Sleńdziński Wincenty Leopold, Dressed-up Peasant Woman
N / A, Gracious Virgin Mary
N / A, Gracious Virgin Mary
N / A, St Francis of Assisi
Alchimowicz Kazimierz, In the Tatra Valley
Sleńdziński Wincenty Leopold, The Holy Family
Alchimowicz Kazimierz, Portrait of a Girl
N / A, St Thaddaeus
Bohusz-Siestrzeńcewicz Stanisław, The Little Faun
Römer Edward Mateusz, Peasant
Stabrowski Kazimierz, The Snow Maiden
Stabrowski Kazimierz, The Eastern Square (Tunis)
Ruszczyc Ferdynand, Blue Spurce
Tomaszewicz Bolesław, Portrait of a Man
Ruszczyc Ferdynand, Portrait of a Boy
Stabrowski Kazimierz, Trees
Sleńdziński Wincenty Leopold, Old Man
Konstanty Gorski, Self-portrait
Jarocki Stanisław, Jesus' appearance to St. Peter
Jurjewicz Franciszek, The Shack
N / A, Immaculate Conception St. The Virgin Mary
N / A, Gracious Virgin Mary